Saturday, July 26, 2008

My dream has taken its form.

You are what you think.

You are what you eat.

Your thoughts are your reality.

Your character is based on your thought.

I have heard this so many times. In my life now it has been all in their materialising state.

I have an interesting colleague way back from Great Eastern. Someone who is admirable. Especially for the new comers who are searching their purpose in this line will find him such.

He is one of the high achievers. Year in year out MDRT. Lots of valuable knowledge in the insurance business. Partly due to his long term service in this line. His perseverence and persistency akin to those you read in motivational books. Sounds good and gawkable.

But unfortunately, he is not well liked. Relations seem hard to stick by with him. This is a common situation among high achievers and those who have ambitions that seem too superficial to many.

I Can't call it arrogance but narrow minded. Its admirable. To think of it I die hard to be in such shoes. But the fact is hard and cold. Thats what I'm going through right now. Sometimes that person could be myself. Its hard to juggle the best suited face and please all around us.

But thanks to one new found man who stands by my side with no reservations.
My vision is actualised. My thoughts are now outspoken. My dream has taken its form.

Love you dear...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Am I doing the right thing.

going for something that i know will never exist.
letting go of something that will never go away.

having a final go for a simple yet trivial reason.

not going too deep to know what it has deep within.
Being shallow on outside attraction and not the reality.

No I am not. But I'm used to it. Searching for the perfection and killing myself all within.

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