Sunday, August 21, 2011

The best coffee makers should be regarded as the people of best service.

I don't remember waking up thinking what shall I do for the day. That is hardly the case. However, I do remember waking up and heading to the kitchen for my morning bed beverage. Yes you are right, It is COFFEE!!!.

All I'll need is Just a 1 and a half teaspoon of Nescafe, 1tsp creamer and 1/2 tsp raw sugar and that brews me a half mug of coffee.
As usual I sip my cuppa without brushing my teeth.
For I find it to be a sin to drink coffee in fluoride breath.

There were times when I would walk into deli-france for a cappuccino take-away before heading office. I would be welcomed to some deafening noises those coffee machines create while grinding those beans. Never mind those noise shrilling through my ear drums. I know that soon my nostrils will be treated to a sensual fragrance coming from those powdered java beans.

Sometimes you cant see the entire coffee preparation but let me share with you my 3 yrs of part-time barista experience on what exactly happens behind that Red LAVAZZO Magic Machine.

First a lever at the bottom of the coffee container would be pulled twice which then dispenses 10+ grams of ground coffee into the portafilter. Then a metal tamper will be forced onto it to level the powdered coffee bean. Usually a couple of metal knocking sound would follow by. This brings the untampered powder around the portafiler rim into the caked coffee bean. The barista would again tamper the portafiler to ensure no granules of coffee powder is left behind before fixing it into the Espresso Machine.

Hmmmmmm... Within seconds what a pleasant smell from the scalding coffee. Whilst the machine is slowly brewing my espresso, the barista would opens up the fridge and pour a generous amount of ice cold milk onto the Steaming Pitchers for my cappuccino froth.
The milk pitcher will be placed into a hot pipe venting out steam. Slowly this steam brings toa muffled boiling sound. Now that indicates that my milk is warm and frothed. She will then pour the rich foamy milk on my fresh espresso and Viola.. there is my Cuppaccino.

MMMMmmmmm...Now that's a sight.
Then before she closes my paper cup with the lid, she will stop immediately and sprinkle a generous amount of cocoa dust without me to interrupt her. Just the way I like it. Now This is what i call family-like service. Her smile, service, and that "See you again Nithya" is so worth spending a recurring $5.00.

Coming up soon... My Fave chinese Coffee Man from Tampines Round Market...

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