Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Contradicting Theory

Did you know that Librans usually find themselves in conflicting positions unlike other animal or human symbol zodiac signs.Astrologically speaking I'm a contradicting person. Being a Libra I'm someone who cant deny that my thoughts get into confusion when scaling both the ugly and good facts.

I love books. If you're short of idea on what to get for me on my birthdays, just give me something to read. I'll be more than happy. That explains why my simple ikea shelf has one of the most sophisticated reading materials relating to the mind powers, spiriutal& holy, self-help, stories of famous people and touching newspaper/magazine articles. All of these books have one thing in common. When I'm down these priceless writings would perk me up. They are my anti biotics to kill any sorta viral like stresses and sadness.

In total I would say I've gotten about 50 such reading materials. But quite sometime back, whenever I'm need of an energetic potion, I'll only ransack through the astrology books. I realised that there are much better proven ideas to succeed in life and why am I still referring to unguaranteed predictions? This in fact was degrading to those 50 odd books authors' pragmatic ideas.

When I open up to the contents of those books, I'll get hooked on it. Often calculating my current planetary positions and then will start Looking through the Internet for explanation. It is an never ending search. Like opening a Pandora box.

However,now its a different story. After consulting many astrologers, this is what one would say eventually. No Matter what your star sign is, have strong faith in yourself and in God. No man can be shaken when his mind is filled with the positivity. No Man succeed because he has the best planetary positions in his chart but because he is willing to sacrifice.

Last and this year is suppose to be the best part of my time. But today I'm stuck in a rut. Like Fuck I'll say. These horoscope predictions are bullshit.
I've decided to throw those books. I've no more horoscope books on my shelf...
I chose to Have trust in myself. I rather Learn how to pray and Learn how to be morally right...

"…The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" (James 5:16).

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